Friday, June 17, 2011

Flirting Tips - 5 Ways to Let the Single Ladies Know You're Interested
If you are interested in a particular lady and want to figure out if she's interested in you then you need to use the right type of flirting to find out.
Careful though! You can come across creepy and stalker like if you go about it the wrong way and you can bet that she won't be flirting back with you anytime soon once you cross that line.
Here are 5 flirting tips to let her know you are interested without looking creepy.
1. Give her longer than normal glances.
This is where you can go over the line and become a creep so you want to be careful here, but the irony is that this works beautifully if you use it correctly.
Women read eye signals well and if you are giving her glances that convey more than just "Oh there you are" then she will get the hint you are interested.
A good glance should be about 2-3 seconds long. Any longer and she may just wonder what you are really thinking in there and any less and you will convey that you like her as a friend.
2. Be on her side in a conversation.
She'll know you are interested as soon as she hears you agreeing with her, especially if it's a difference of opinion with another girl.
3. Compliment her in a subtle way.
Don't tell her how great her boobs look in that sweater but do tell her that she looks really good today.
If you think joking around about how good her butt looks will let her know you are interested then you are dead wrong. All that will do is confuse her as to whether or not you are interested because joking around happens between both friends and lovers.
Now, if you step back and give her a nice smile and tell her she looks really good today then you have shown her that you are not just giving your opinion as a friend but as someone who is attracted to her.
4. Make her laugh and feel good.
Try to make her laugh. If you focus your attention on making her feel good she will soon realize that you like making her feel good and that is an instant clue to attraction.
5. Try to be extra courteous to her.
If you are with a group of people and you have a chance to hold the door for only her then do so. All those chivalry things work really well here when you are trying to flirt and show her you are interested.
Also, a great tip is the hand in the back idea. When you put your hand gently on the small of her back to direct her into some place or in a different direction it shows her that you care about her. It may be the tender connection or it may be just a sign of a man being aware of his girl but either way it works. Try it!


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