Friday, June 17, 2011

Why Haven't I Found My Mr Right?
So if you are one who is sitting there waiting and thinking "Where is my Mr. Right?" then you may be doing a few things wrong. This article highlights some of the common mistakes women make, and how to correct them. See if you have been the perpetrator of any of these mistakes.
1. Past relationships have hurt you too bad and you don't feel like getting out there and looking. Do not let a past painful relationship control the rest of your love life. Just as every person is uniquely different, every relationship is also different. Don't let your fears hold yourself back from experiencing something good.
2. You think that there are no decent men out in the world. This cannot be further from the truth. It is true that not every man will be "Mr. Right," but surely there is the perfect man for you out there somewhere. You just need to have faith in that and start looking for him.
3. You're afraid of rejection. This is one of the most common reasons that people don't get out into the dating scene. But you will never know how much you will be rejected - if at all - unless you actually get out there and try it. In all reality, it's the same for most guys as well; men are just as worried about being rejected as women are. Finding someone special is all about risking rejection and taking a chance at finding love.


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